Shafer Technology Solutions

Managed Support Brings Simplicity

Why managed support

Stop worrying about technology.

It’s different. Or is it?

Your large competition, or possibly your peer competitors, don’t mess around. They keep their technology inline and working with managed support. They have entire IT departments dedicated to that task.

Now you can have that too.

We offer three levels of service. All three offer anti-virus, patch management, and instant problem alerts. How does it work?

First there is a consultation about what systems you have, and what you want to cover.

We support Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. Depending on availability and need this can be done on the phone but we typically prefer a face to face meeting. Can you sign up solely online? Not at this time. We believe in personal attention to ensure you get exactly what you need.

Second we deploy the software.

We can do this remotely or on site. There is NEVER a setup fee! Almost as soon as the software is installed our advanced cloud technology goes to work. First it starts by downloading your rules, what it’s going to protect for you. Then it goes to work updating your un-patched software, installing the anti-virus and enabling it, plus scanning your windows log files for repeated issues.

Third, we’re in maintenance mode.

You’re actively being protected in under 30 minutes (depending on your internet connectivity speeds). Below we outline three key components of our Managed Support and why they’re important.

Ready for Simplicity?

Until December 31st, our Advanced Package is 9.99 a month per PC! Basic is 5.99 a month.


Security is a layered approach coupled with good user habits. However user habits are harder to train. Our business class anti-virus is powered by Bit-Defender Pro in a centralized model that enables enterprise class metrics and monitoring, over all your devices covered. Tailored to your business and monitored by us, you still receive on screen notifications and alerts. We are also instantly notified by our first class cloud technology.

Did we mention virus removal is free? In the event you are infected with a virus, trojan, or ransomware we’ll remove it for free.

Patch Management

270 plus applications and counting. That’s how many we keep up to date. Un-patched software is how hackers and viruses make their way into your computer. Keeping these up to date is another important piece to keeping your computer trouble free. Our system will also ensure Microsoft and Apple updates are applied. Not only does it ensure updates are installed timely, we’re notified when they fail. This can also indicate a problem that should be looked into.

Error Monitoring

Many times, a computer is telling you something is wrong. The information is readily available if you know where to look, yet most of us never pay attention. We’re talking about the log files. Mac, Windows, and Linux each offer their own way of reporting application issues, system events, and security issues. With 24×7 monitoring, we’ll gain insight into problems before they stop you from working. Is the hard drive starting to fail? Is there a Windows system error that will eventually cause a blue screen? With us, we’ll know and keep you protected and running.

Our software reports on hard drive health specifically. Never lose a days work or even all of your data again.


Do you need different? Expect more

With our Managed Support, you’re covered. We handle the issues for you. If there is a need to come on site and repair a machine our Advanced and Premier customers enjoy a discount of 35% or more on the hourly rate. Have more than 3 computers? Choose Advanced or Premier and each machine has 1 free hour of remote support.

Stop waiting for your technician to show up, let Shafer Technology Solutions just handle it for you.


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